Piranesi by Susanna Clarke

“Perhaps even people you like and admire immensely can make you see the World in ways you would rather not.”

– Susanna Clarke, Piranesi

Title: Piranesi
Author: Susanna Clarke
Genre: Fantasy
Format: eBook
Rating: 4/5


If you’ve ever read a more confusing book, I’d like to hear about it!

Piranesi is supposed to be confusing, it’s supposed to lead you astray, and it 100% delivered. I read this book as a buddy read, and all of us were like, ‘wtf is happening?’ most of the way through.

And despite the confusion, despite having absolutely no idea what was happening, I still enjoyed it. The writing, the world and being dragged into the mind of Piranesi was such a fun, wild ride to be a part of. I opted to use this book in Popsugar for an unreliable narrator, because although Piranesi is not intentionally unreliable, he is.

We are immediately drawn into a world of a million halls, corridors, vestibules, etc that each have unique statues and features about them. Piranesi has spent his whole life there, learning, discovering and naming all these halls and statues. Occasionally he has a meeting with another person he calls The Other, but then The Other vanishes from time to time and Piranesi can never find him. He shares what he has learnt with The Other and The Other finds Piranesi things he may need.

Piranesi is leading a peaceful, happy life in the World of only 2 living people and thirteen dead which he always cares for and pays respect towards.

Being able to experience everything from his point of view was frustrating and fabulous all at once. The book itself I don’t feel had any ‘purpose’ as such and it’s not one you pick up going into to think deeply over, but it was fun and enjoyable and I liked the writing style.


You’ll like this book if you like: unreliable narrators, fun books, confusing books

Content warnings: kidnapping

“My last thought before I fell asleep was: He is dead. My only friend. My only enemy.”

– Susanna Clarke, Piranesi

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